An uneventful journey takes them to Guatemala, and then on to the old site. Not too long after, they discover that there is indeed an undisturbed temple in an adjacent valley. As it belonged to a long-forgotten king, the temple promises many surprises and much, much gold. And so the adventure begins…
Actions points have given way to two actions per turn : 1) move part of your expedition around the board to choose an action tile, and then 2) move your head scientist within the temple to explore new rooms and find gold.
There are many ways to score. Collecting and delivering treasures is one, and having the majority in some rooms or exploring the main temple as well as an outer secret chamber, are others.
Tikal IIÂ calls for careful planning, as your scientist can t move freely within the temple without specific items, and tension, as the actions around the board grow scarce. A game consists of two rounds, each concluded by a scoring. In the end, the player with the most gold is declared winner.